Unicur (active substances: prothioconazole and fluoxastrobin) is our leading fungicide for use in bulb onions and shallots.
Product details
Product Profile
Important Information
Do not apply by hand-held equipment e.g. knapsack sprayer
* Use only on shallot crops that will be mechanically harvested, treated crops must not be hand harvested.
Unicur may be used on all commercial varieties of bulb onions and shallots but if the crop is intended for processing consult the processor before use of Unicur.
Nothing controls downy mildew like it
Safeguards quality
Combined strobilurin and tzt technology physiological effects
Boosts plant health and bulb quality from field to store
May be used on all commercial varieties of bulb onions
The tzt technology in Unicur advances disease control and plant health. Being a new generation DMI, prothioconazole combines exceptional protection with sustained curative activity for powerful broad-spectrum disease control. Uniquely for a DMI it also stimulates photosynthesis and enhances nitrogen assimilation to deliver greening and physiological effects in the same league as strobilurins enhancing yield and bulb resilience to bacterial infection.
For the control of downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) and for a useful level of control of leaf blight, (Botryotinia squamosa, anamorph Botrytis squamosa).
Qualified minor use recommendation: Based on limited data, useful reductions can be expected of infections caused by Botrytis, Cladosporium, Stemphylium and Puccinia species and also some reduction of bacterial rots of bulbs associated with downy mildew infections.
Apply Unicur as part of a protectant programme, at any stage from when the leaf bases begin to thicken (BBCH 40, beginning of bulb formation) until when 10% of the leaves are bent over (BBCH 47).
Follow with further applications at an interval of about 14 days according to disease pressure.
Application to young plants may cause some transient leaf chlorosis and leaf distortion. To avoid this and maximize the yield and quality benefits from Unicur, apply from the beginning of bulb formation.
Do not apply any more than two consecutive applications of Unicur.
Programme planning
It is important to structure downy mildew control programmes for optimum disease control with resistance and residue management. Trials have shown that the best partners to alternate with Unicur are mancozeb-based products as illustrated below.

Apply fungicides according to manufacturer’s recommendations for the target disease (or complex) at the specific crop growth stage indicated. Effective disease management is a critical parameter in delaying the build-up of resistant pathogen populations.
Unicur is a mixture of two fungicides with different modes of action, a strobilurin and a triazolinthione. Unicur contains fluoxastrobin, a member of the Qol cross-resistance group.
For best resistance management solo applications of Unicur should be considered as solo QoI product use. The total number of sprays in a programme therefore restricts the number of Unicur applications per crop as follows;
Unicur should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential.
Use Unicur as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action.
Caution: The possible development of disease strains resistant to Unicur cannot be excluded or predicted. Where such resistant strains occur, Unicur is unlikely to give satisfactory control.
Due to limitations in supply with a co-formulant used in Unicur, Bayer has successfully secured a re-approval from CRD of a former formulation of Unicur which does not include the co-formulant that is in short supply.
This means that for the 2022 season, there will be two different authorized formulations of Unicur with two different MAPP numbers available in the market place:
Unicur MAPP 17402 contains the co-formulant in limited supply
Unicur MAPP 19987 is the reapproval of a former formulation which does not contain the co-formulant
Both products have a Product Expiry Date of 31 January 2025
As there are two different authorized formulations of Unicur available, this also means that two different MSDS exist. The MSDS are named with the relevant Unicur MAPP number.