Previcur Energy
A systemic multi-site fungicide for the control of downy mildew on protected and outdoor crops of lettuce,
Product details
A systemic multi-site fungicide for;
control of downy mildew on protected and outdoor crops of lettuce
moderate control of downy mildew on protected crops of radish
control of ‘damping-off’ caused by Pythium spp for lettuce, broccoli/calabrese, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, collard, kale, tomato, melon and cucumber seedlings during propagation under protection.
protected crops of tomato, melon and cucumber against Pythium when applied through drip irrigation.
Additional benefits against other Oomycete fungi such as Phytophthora species can also be expected.
Product Profile
Important Information
Qualified minor uses
Where two drenches are allowed on one crop then the first drench is restricted to pre-emergence use only.
For use on cucumber (protected), tomato (protected) and melon (protected) in a soil or compost substrate the maximum total dose via drip irrigation must not exceed 6 L/ha/crop.
For application by drip irrigation to tomato, melon and cucumber grown for cropping in artificial substrates. Previcur Energy must not be applied in a re-circulating system.
Easy to use soluble liquid formulation
Two active substances with proven efficacy against oomycete diseases
Improved resistance management through co-formulation
Flexible application methods
Previcur Energy contains propamocarb (530.0 g/L) and fosetyl (310.0 g/L), a combination of two active ingredients with proven efficacy at protecting the roots and aerial parts of broadleaved crops against Oomycete fungi.
Direct effects against fungi prevent mycelial growth/penetration and spore production/germination through direct inhibition of mitochondrial respiration. These are supported by indirect effects which stimulate the plants natural defences (systemic acquired resistance).
To ensure good control of Oomycete diseases, Previcur Energy must be applied in a protectant programme of treatments, before infections have occurred.
Protected and outdoor lettuce
For the control of downy mildew (Bremia lactucae).
Before transplanting
For plants in propagation, Previcur Energy may be applied as a seedbed drench. The first drench application should be pre-emergence, just after sowing, followed by a second application after crop emergence, approximately 10–14 days later. Where two drench applications are made the first must be pre-emergence. Thoroughly drench the compost using a diluent volume of between 2 and 4 L/metre square (20,000-40,000 L/ha).
After transplanting
After transplanting, Previcur Energy may be applied as a foliar spray at a maximum individual dose of 2.5 L/ha in 200 to 1000 L of water. The first application is recommended just after transplanting followed by a second dose approximately 10–14 days later.
Protected radish
For moderate control of downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica)
Previcur Energy may only be applied as a foliar spray at a maximum individual dose of 2.5 L/ha in 200 to 1000 L water. The first application is recommended just after emergence of first true leaves followed by a second dose approximately 10–14 days later.
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, broccoli/ calabrese, kale and collard (protected at time of application)
For the control of damping off (Pythium spp.)
For plants in propagation, Previcur Energy may be applied as a seedbed drench. The first application is recommended pre-emergence, just after sowing, followed by a second application after crop emergence, approximately 10–14 days later. Where two drench applications are made the first must be pre-emergence. Thoroughly drench the compost using a diluent volume of between 2 and 4 L/metre square (20,000–40,000 L/ha).
Protected tomato and cucumber
Before transplanting
For plants in propagation, Previcur Energy may be applied as a seedbed drench. The first application is recommended pre-emergence, just after sowing, followed by a second application after crop emergence, approximately 10-14 days later. Thoroughly drench the compost using a diluent volume of between 2 and 4 L/metre square (20,000–40,000 L/ha).
After transplanting
After transplanting, Previcur Energy may be applied via drip irrigation. One dose is recommended just after transplanting followed by a second dose approximately 10-14 days later using a diluent volume of between 300–1500 L/ha).
To reduce the risk of phytotoxicity (plant selectivity) in cucumbers grown on artificial substrates, use up to 1 litre of product per hectare in the first 10 days after transplanting followed by further doses at an interval of 7 to 10 days. It is also recommended that applications to newly transplanted cucumbers are made in the afternoon/evening when plant uptake will be slower.
EAMU – Outdoor spinach
This Extension of Authorisation relates to the use of Previcur Energy as a fungicide on outdoor crops of spinach for the control of Peronospora farinosa (downy mildew).
Application to be made between May and September via conventional hydraulic sprayer, or hand held equipment, in a water volume of 250 to 1000 litres/ha.
A minimum interval of 7 to 10 days between applications is applicable.
To ensure good control of Oomycete diseases, Previcur Energy must be applied in a protectant programme of treatments, before infections have occurred.
Trials have shown some phytotoxicity under certain conditions. Growers are therefore advised to use with care.
Previcur Energy contains two active substances providing multi-site activity and as such is ideal for inclusion in disease control programmes as part of an anti-resistance management strategy. The possible development of pathogens resistant to Previcur Energy cannot be excluded or predicted. Where such resistant strains occur, Previcur Energy is unlikely to give satisfactory control.