Founded on the broad-spectrum control of iblon® (isoflucypram), Plaxium® is a unique three-way co-formulation that delivers excellent efficacy against a range of foliar and stem-based diseases in wheat, barley, rye, triticale, spelt and oats.
Product Details
Plaxium® combines a unique combination of active substances to deliver robust broad-spectrum disease control in cereal crops.
Plaxium® contains the latest fungicide active substance from Bayer, isoflucypram. This has shown dependable broad-spectrum activity against the principal foliar threats of cereal crops. Demonstrating reliable control of Septoria, yellow and brown rust among other disease threats, isoflucypram sits in a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) sub-class of its own. When combined with proven partners in the form of fluopyram and prothioconazole it raises the standard for foliar and stem-based disease control while the convenience of a co-formulation reduces both operator workload and waste.
When combined, isoflucypram, fluopyram and prothioconazole provide complementary activity to ensure robust disease control and in-built resistance management. Although both SDHI active substances, isoflucypram and fluopyram, sit within different sub-groups meaning they have incomplete cross-resistance patterns. This ensures that if there is a shift in the sensitivity of one pathogen to the efficacy of an active substance, it may not affect the other. The inclusion of prothioconazole with its different mode of action serves to bolster the resistance management strengths of Plaxium® and extend its performance against both foliar and stem-based diseases.
Plaxium® is approved for the control of Septoria, yellow rust, brown rust, powdery mildew and the reduction of eyespot in wheat crops, giving growers and agronomists the confidence and flexibility to use this product across either the T1 or T2 timing to protect yields whatever the season may bring. Our advised dose rate for Plaxium® is 1.2 L/ha to ensure the delivery of reliable broad-spectrum disease protection. This application rate may be adjusted depending on the situation with consideration given to variety disease susceptibility, drilling date, location and the prevailing weather conditions. For further advice on how to get the best from Plaxium in a given situation, contact your local Bayer Technical Manager.
In barley, Plaxium® is approved for the control of Rhyncosporium, net blotch, powdery mildew and brown rust, once again providing a broad-spectrum of disease coverage to enable flexible crop management decisions across a range of situations.
In oats, Plaxium® is approved for the control of the key diseases, crown rust and powdery mildew in addition to being registered for use in rye, triticale and spelt.
For guidance on dose rates, contact your local Bayer Technical Manager.
Plaxium® uses Bayers trusted Leafshield, the same advanced formulation technology as earlier Bayer fungicides such as Vimoy® , Ascra® Xpro® and Aviator® to ensure excellent performance. Leafshield means
Excellent spray equipment compatibility. We recognise that our products will be used in a range of sprayer setups from the rudimentary to more modern pulse width modulated machines capable of constant variable rate application and at a range of water volumes. All Leafshield formulations are tested exhaustively to ensure there are no adverse effects on the equipment that may impact application performance.
Excellent tank mix compatibility. The Leafshield formulation supports other substances that may need to be included at the time of application, including complementary fungicides, plant growth regulators, herbicides and foliar nutrition products. Details of approved tank mix products can be found via our tank mix compatibility sheet or please speak to your local Bayer Technical Manager if you need advice on a product not listed.
Optimised droplet delivery. Once the spray solution passes through the nozzle its journey to the target is influenced by environmental conditions. To counter these influences, the droplet’s size and surface tension are optimised to support leaf adhesion and droplet spread. To achieve this, Leafshield contains a tailored mix of surfactants suited to the properties of the active substances in formulation.
Plaxium® contains three active substances comprising a balance of azole and SDHI chemistry. These two modes of action ensure Plaxium® complies with resistance management guidelines of the Fungicide Resistance Management Committee (FRAC).
To promote effective resistance management, fungicides should be used as part of an integrated management plan. This should consider variety selection, drilling date, cultivation policy and the use of other modes of action, that may include multi-site inhibitors and biological products to utilise all means of control and ensure sufficient mode of action diversity in the strategy.
As Plaxium® contains isoflucypram, the following restrictions apply:
A maximum of 75g isoflucypram/ha may be applied every two years.
Do not sow or plant any Allium crops after applying Plaxium® .
For further guidance on good stewardship practices or to discuss how these restrictions may impact disease control strategies, please consult your local Bayer Technical Manager.
Plaxium® contains isoflycypram, fluopyram and prothioconazole. Vimoy® (iblon®) contains isoflucypram. Aviator® Xpro® contains bixafen and prothioconazole. Ascra® Xpro® contains bixafen, fluopyram and prothioconazole. Plaxium, Vimoy, iblon, Aviator, Xpro and Ascra are registered trademarks of Bayer. All other brand names used are Trademarks of other manufacturers in which proprietary rights may exist. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Pay attention to the risk indications and follow the safety precautions on the label. For further information, including contact details, visit www.cropscience.bayer.co.uk or call 0808 1969522. © Bayer CropScience Limited 2025