MaisTer WG
MaisTer WG provides the highest control and widest spectrum of grass weed control in maize particularly on difficult grasses such as black-grass, barnyard grass, couch and annual meadow grass.
Product details
MaisTer can be used from the two-leaf stage (GS12) to six-leaf stage (GS16) of the crop. For optimum results, apply MaisTer WG during warm weather, when the soil is moist and the weeds actively growing. Dry conditions resulting in moisture stress may reduce effectiveness.
Apply 150g/ha of MaisTer in 200-400 L/ha water including 1% of adjuvant Mero. Use a fine-medium spray applied with 2.5-3 bar pressure at no more than 12 km/h. As a contact acting herbicide it is important that the spray lands and settles on the target leaf so it can take effect.
Transitory crop effects (yellow, reddish-purple, white or necrotic patches) can occur following application of MaisTer WG. These effects are transitory in nature and will not affect yield. To reduce the potential for adverse crop effects MaisTer WG must only be applied to a healthy crop, not suffering from stress due to any factor reducing crop growth. Also, ensure that spray swaths do not overlap when applying MaisTer WG.
MaisTer allows flexibility in the rotation if it is followed by a spring crop. In the year of application, only winter cereals can be sown in the same field after the maize is harvested. However, in the following spring, all crops can be grown - including root vegetables - without any specific cultivation requirements.
MaisTer can be mixed with either a herbicide to increase the broad-leaved weed spectrum or a micronutrient product but not both at the same time. Refer to the tank mix sheet for more information.