Alternator Met
Alternator Met is an effective tool for weed control in winter barley and winter wheat. Suitable for use at pre-emergence and as a residual top up.
Product details
Alternator Met is an effective tool for grass-weed control in winter barley and winter wheat. Suitable for use at pre-emergence and as a residual top up, it is composed of metribuzin, flufenacet and diflufenican. The addition of metribuzin to flufenacet provides improved grass weed and broad-leaved weed control compared to Liberator.
Metribuzin like flufenacet is predominantly root acting but it also has some foliar activity which may make it particularly useful for top up applications. The addition of metribuzin provides up to 10% more black-grass control at the full rate compared to straight Liberator.
The three-way co-formulation provides a simple and effective tool to control weeds in cereals throughout the autumn establishment period.
Each active is from a different HRAC mode of action group which reduces the risk of resistance developing.
Including additional actives to the autumn herbicide programme is a proven way to boost black-grass control. Alternator Met delivers an entirely new active for UK cereals – metribuzin – as well as the reliable performers flufenacet and diflufenican as found in Liberator. Alternator Met is a flexible product suitable for pre-em, peri-em and early post-em applications.
For pre-emergence applications, apply the full 1l/ha rate within 48 hours of drilling to get the best results. However, results from trials show that even if the application is delayed until peri-emergence you can still expect good levels of control.
For all applications, ensure the seedbed is in good condition and free of clods and trash for optimum performance.
The shoot activity means it can give some control of established weeds as well as prevent further germination so it is also a good option as a ‘top-up’ spray at the 0.5 l/ha rate. It can be used until growth stage 25.