V367OL is a new HOLL variety that has been shown to give significantly higher yields than existing products along with faster autumn and spring development and pod shatter resistance.
Product details
HOLL Hybrid
New generation of HOLL hybrid with premium opportunity
High Gross Output
Very high gross output with low linolenic acid content and very high Oleic acid content
Autumn Vigour
Good autumn vigour, medium early flowering and early to medium maturity
Disease Resistance
Good all round disease resistance
V367OL is the natural successor to V316OL with a higher output but maintaining the excellent oil quality at less than 3% Linolenic acid and over 75% Oleic acid
Medium autumn growth habit means V367OL is suitable for the early as well as the main drilling window
The rapid autumn growth habit of V367OL suits a wide range of sowing dates.
Where the risk of non-HOLL volunteers exists then the use of low disturbance establishment systems may reduce the risk of contamination and improve quality.
Sow at a seed rate appropriate to achieve an even plant stand of 25-30 plant/m2 in spring.
Higher plant populations may reduce the effects of volunteer non-HOLL plants on overall crop quality.
A taller height means PGRs may be useful at stem extension to manage height and improve light penetration for maximum yield.