DK Excited
DK Excited has the agronomic flexibility to make the most of seasonal uncertainties with the greatest reliability.
Product details
First place in 14-site field-scale 2022 grower trials with an average treated seed yield of 5.07t/ha under a range of commercial regimes.
Rapid but not over-fast autumn development to get away from autumn challenges with the least risk of excessive pre-winter canopy growth.
Fast spring regrowth for the most reliable compensation for winter weather and pest damage.
Valuable Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) advantages over other varieties in trials for two years in a row.
Good light leaf spot, stem canker, verticillium and TuYV resistance with strong standing power for the greatest management flexibility.
Original Dekalb pod shatter resistance, maximising combining flexibility while minimising seed losses in the run-up to and at harvest.
Vigorous Establishment
Robust initial root and shoot growth for the most reliable and even establishment.
Rapid Autumn Development
Faster-than-average development for the most rapid growth away from flea beetles and other autumn challenges.
Double Phoma Resistance
RLM7 supported by polygenic resistance for the most durable phoma/stem canker protection and greatest spraying economy and flexibility.
TuYV resistance
Effective resistance to Turnip Yellows Virus for extra insurance against aphid-borne infections and greatest spraying economy and flexibility.
Pod Shatter Resistance
Pioneering genetic resistance to pod shattering for the least seed shedding up to and at harvest and the greatest flexibility in harvest timing.
High Oil
Higher-than-average oil content to maximise gross output for added market returns.
Vital Statistics
NIAB, OAT & Scottish Agronomy Replicated Trials Data 2022 & 2023 – 14 varieties at 8 sites

Replicated European trials with inoculation and irrigation show DK Excited standing out with significantly better Sclerotinia behaviour than the only variety with claimed tolerance to the disease, offering the greatest flexibility in flowering fungicide timing.
DEKALB® is a registered Trade Mark of the Bayer Group. All other brands listed are Trade Marks of other manufacturers and proprietary rights may exist. For further information, including contact details, visit www.cropscience.bayer.co.uk or call 0808 1969522