Published on 22nd August 2024
Seed & Establishment
National Proving Programme Highlights Key Variety Resilience

The particular resilience of the latest Dekalb hybrid, DK Excentric has become crystal clear in both the replicated plot and field-scale farm trial pillars of this season’s Bayer National Hybrid Proving Programme.
Results from all four of the 2024 plot trials run by NIAB and Scottish Agronomy in Hampshire, Herefordshire, Yorkshire and Fife show the new variety matching the leading RL TuYV-resistant hybrid comparator with an average yield of 4.33t/ha. At 4.49t/ha, it also matched the same comparator across the seven main field-scale farm trials analysed.
“In both sets of trials DK Excentric has really shown its strength on sites where conditions have been particularly challenging,” points out Bayer trials manager, Richard Williams.
“On the two replicated sites where the season proved especially tough – the first as a result of mid-September sowing and the second due to flea beetle pressure and extreme winter wetness – it averaged a very respectable 3.45t/ha. This was a good 10% ahead of the leading RL comparator (Figure).
Figure: DK Excentric Performance in 2024 Replicated Plot Trials

“Equally, in the most challenging of our farm strip trials, DK Excentric was one of only three varieties to yield over 3t/ha, while the RL comparator did less than 2.5t/ha.
“It all goes to show the value of the all-round agronomic strength that continues to be central to Dekalb breeding programme; a strength which is more essential than ever with OSR- growing today.”
As well as vigorous establishment, DK Excentric has proved rapid to develop in both the autumn and spring. It combines this with strong resistance to phoma and light leaf spot, TuYV-resistance and a notably low verticillium susceptibility, not to mention excellent standing power and Dekalb pod shatter resistance.
Among the other main Dekalb varieties included in this season’s National Hybrid Proving Programme, DK Exstar, DK Exsteel and DK Extremus have also performed particularly well alongside the leading RL comparator across the replicated trial set while showing a substantial yield advantage on the challenging sites.
In addition, DK Exstar stood out alongside DK Excentric for its 3t/ha-plus yield in the single most challenging farm strip trial. These two varieties also delivered average yields/plant around a third higher than the comparator here, almost certainly indicative of their superior branching ability.