Loose silky-bent
Apera spica-venti
Leaf blade
Hairless, rough, narrow and pointed. Rolled.


Long, rounded and ragged: 3-10 mm.
Tall tufted or solitary annual grass 20-100 cm. Elegant oval to oblong panicle. Usually open and much-branched. Spikelets are single flowered, with short awns. Seeds are very small and lightweight and are usually shed before the crop matures.
Widespread and locally common on arable land, especially on sandy or light loam soils in the east and south of England. Can become a problem in continuous cereals. Rare in Wales and Scotland.

Loose silky-bent. Young plant.

Loose silky-bent flower heads.

Loose silky-bent ligule.

Loose silky-bent flower head © Blackthorn arable