Ascochyta Leaf and Pod Spot - Peas
Ascochyta on a pea leaf, infection shown on a pea pod & close up of heavy disease pressure
Ascochyta pisi cause the development of tan coloured lesions with dark brown margins on leaves and pods, whereas Mycosphaerella pinoides produces dark brown / purple spotting on the leaves and pods plus streaking on the stem and the Phoma spp causes footrot symptoms.
This seed and trash-borne disease usually causes the development of a fatal footrot and the other symptoms in seedling before infecting the surrounding crop. Pycnidia in the lesions release spores (conidia) which are spread by rain or wind-borne water droplets.
Favourable Factors
Cool, wet weather.
On peas one of the most important pea diseases as it causes seedling death, yield losses and rejection due to staining.
Some varieties do offer a degree of tolerance.
Adopt short crop rotations.
Remove crop debris after harvest.
Seed should be tested for Ascochyta infection levels before drilling.
Fungicide seed treatment.
Foliar fungicides are available for Ascochyta control

Heavy disease pressure

Infection on pea pods

Infection on pea leaves