Rhynchosporium in Barley causes a reduction in grain size, and consequent yield losses of between 2% and 5%. However, severe attacks can result in losses of up to 40%.
What is Rhynchosporium?
The inoculum for infection comes from previous barley crops, volunteers, seeds and grasses. The disease is spread by rain splash and dew. Favourable factors for Rhynchosporium in barley are cool (10º to 15 º) and wet weather conditions. Early sowing, susceptible varieties and high rainfall contribute to severe attacks.
How to spot Rhynchosporium

Close up Rhynchosporium symptoms

Rhynchosporium infected barley crop
The first symptoms are large (1cm), pale green watery oval lesions on the leaf blade. These turn pale brown and develop a darker margin. In severe attacks lesions become crowded and lose their characteristic shape and colour. Often the first lesions appear near the base of the leaf (water running down the leaf tends to deposit spores in this position). The lesions then develop and can lead to total loss of the leaf. The leaf sheaths and ear can also become infected.
How to control Rhynchosporium
Stubble cleanliness and varietal resistance will aid control. Fandango (prothioconazole + fluoxastrobin) is the tried and tested solution used by thousands of barley growers. It provides cost-effective treatment for the broadest spectrum of barley diseases.
For crops with higher yield potential or those which are under increased disease pressure SiltraXpro (prothioconazole + bixafen) has been shown to boost yields even further than Fandango.